Feeding Program
Besides saving lost souls, the children’s feeding program is one of the most rewarding projects undertaken by Haiti Endowment Fund. It is also one of the most challenging to maintain.
Seventy-six percent of Haiti’s children under the age of five are underweight, or suffer stunted growth. Sixty-three percent of Haitians are undernourished. It has become a common practice for Haitian children to resort to eating “dirt cookies”. As a result of Haiti being the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, it is unable to produce an adequate amount of food to feed its population, most of who are moderately malnourished.
In 2004 Haiti Endowment started a pilot-feeding program in one of the remote villages. The joy and rewards of supplying a hot meal to schoolchildren who were at the brink of starvation could never be overstated. It not only filled empty stomachs, but it filled the hopes of their mothers and fathers, that their children will have a chance for a better life. Most of the parents in the village were soon sending their children to the new Christian school. This fostered their trust in HEF and opened the door to teaching the love of Christ.
Please help Haiti Endowment continue to feed the children in our care. It is our vision to not only continue to feed all the children attending our schools, but to reach out to other remote villages that receive no care or supplements. Please search your heart and pray about making a donation to our feeding program.
Your donation will help us continue to feed the Haitian children and enable us to expand our feeding program to other remote villages.
“Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.”
~ Psalm 41:1